
A tribute to an old Atari arcade classic Asteroids.

Protect your Space Colonies from the lethal assault of Meteor Storms.

Little BlackJack game written in PureBasic. Great example of how to make good use of the Microsoft Cards.dll

PB Invaders
I had a half hour to kill so I made this bad Space Invaders clone. Maybe others will learn something from the source?

PB Pong
PBpong is a simple Pong/Breakout type game. I originally started out playing around with some graphic commands in PB and ended up with this! (if anyone beats my score, let me know) Updated to compile under PB3.2

Lady's Garden
Lady has spent a lot of time working on her perfect garden, so when you guide "Bumble" through the hedge maze to pick all her flowers... She's not to happy!

Hostile Skies
Pilot your helicopter over unfriendly territory while being assaulted by wave after wave of military adversaries !!

Tool which allows easy printing of Source Code from the PureBasic IDE

Little app designed for Lap Tops with an onboard WebCam. Will capture images that are in front of the WebCam.

Create cool Anaglyphs (red/blue 3d images) quickly and easily

File Cutter
Small app that cuts large files into small ones. Also reassembles them.

A professional yet inexpensive (free) way to package your applications quickly and easily

Cab Extractor
Small CAB Extractor program demonstrating how to use the CabExtractor code snippet I posted in the Code Snippets section.

Cool fireworks display written in PureBasic (I actually needed this in an app I am working on)